Flick Seton (seated front right) chairing the committee meeting
Flick Seton is the Chairman of Gardening for Disabled Trust
2018 has been a significant anniversary for our small charity: we have survived 50 years in the tough world of fundraising!
In 1968 our founder Mrs Kinsey identified the benefit that gardening brings to body and soul, and set about raising money to help people with disabilities enjoy the feel of ‘soil under the fingernails’. In this she was a true pioneer.
Half a century later, the health benefits of gardening are well-researched and documented: it’s even been estimated that every £1 spent on horticultural therapy brings £5 of health benefit.
For our clients, a little financial injection from the Trust can be life-changing. We are endlessly humbled by our clients’ creativity and imagination in devising schemes to adapt their gardens, making them accessible and functional in spite of their disabilities; and it is a real privilege to be a small part of that journey. Please do explore their stories on this website by clicking here.
Our small committee of 10 volunteers are tireless in their commitment to get more people back into their gardens and enjoy that exceptional pleasure that is gardening. If you feel inspired to give us a hand – with a fundraising lunch, or a coffee morning, or signing up to become a Friend perhaps, then we would be so very grateful. Please click here for more information
We look forward to hearing from you!
In the meantime, all of us at Gardening for Disabled send you every good wish for a happy, peaceful and green-fingered 2019.