This Week’s Guest Blogger is Cheryl Miller who writes about growing tomatoes in containers

Hello everyone! I’m Cheryl. I moved to Los Angeles a little over 5 years ago from Singapore. I am an avid container gardener who enjoys providing tips and inspiration on IG by sharing ‘how to’ videos and step-by-step photos on how to grow just about anything in containers. My hope is that I am able to show that it doesn’t take much space to grow your own food.

Growing in containers mean that I can control exactly what goes into each pot and I know that it is 100% organic. I also like the versatility of being able to rearrange & move containers around easily according to the season, not having to weed or use any heavy equipment. I also like the overall look & versatility of containers.

1 of my favourite things to grow is Micro Tomatoes. I am lucky that I am able to grow them all year long inside on a sunny window sill. The sunlight they get from the SE facing window is enough to keep them happy.

My preferred size container is a 7 inch / 18cm container. I find that they fit well on my window sill and are large enough to be able to provide the micro tomato plants with enough space to grow. I start my seed directly in the container. I like that no transplanting or ‘hardening off’ is needed.

I grow my micro tomatoes in both terracotta and plastic. I like terracotta as it is porous and allows for air and water to flow through them. This is good for the roots but also means they can dry out quicker. Terracotta pots also tend to be heavier and if you’re not careful, can chip or break. Plastic is lightweight yet strong. It is available in every colour and allows you to design a space. Plastic isn’t porous so you don’t have to water the containers as frequently.

My tips for growing Micro Tomatoes are:
• Keep the soil moist during seed germination
• Don’t overwater the plant. On average I water my micro tomatoes 3x a week
• Don’t be afraid to prune the leaves as this ensures good airflow which will help keep your plant healthy

To find out more about Cheryl Miller and her container gardening in her garden in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains follow @mybrentwoodgarden on Instagram

This Week’s Guest Blogger is Kayleigh Tuvey who writes about her Allotment on Instagram

Hello my name is kayleigh! I started gardening when I was a little girl with my grandad! He had a huge allotment and as he got older he turned his back garden into a mini allotment too where we loved spending days together. He taught me so much and it was such a special bond we had. We would go into the garden and harvest vegetables for our dinner!

When my grandad sadly passed away I decided to get an allotment of my own as it used to bring me such joy and I missed being out in the garden! Eventually the time came and I got the keys to my allotment I was so excited to start growing my own produce even if I was heavily pregnant at the time which brought its own challenges!

I created a herb pallet with lots of herbs and lavender in! One of my favourite things to grow last year was pumpkin. I also grew lots of other vegetables including peas, potatoes, beetroot, sweetcorn and cauliflower! This year I am hoping to grow a lot more vegetables as I now have a greenhouse and a polytunnel! Inside the polytunnel I am hoping to grow tomatoes, chillis, peppers, aubergines, cucumbers and cucamelons. I have also made a new raised bed so that will give me a lot more growing space.

I have decided to grow a selection of flowers this year. I have dahlias which will be going into large pots and I have lots of different cut flowers. I have made a teepee which I will be growing sweet peas up the canes and I have four different sunflower varieties too!

I am also hoping to grow white munchkin pumpkins up my garden arches and I cannot wait to see all my plans become reality! Gardening has helped heal my pain of losing my grandad and my allotment is my little haven where I go to escape the world! With the online gardening community I have managed to connect with so many amazing people who have the same interests as me! I hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy gardening as much as I do! If you are a beginner and not sure where to start please feel free to find me on Instagram @growingwithkaz and I will be happy to help.

This Week is Mental Health Awareness Week so our Guest Blogger is James Robert Faulkner, a recipient of a grant from Gardening with Disabilities Trust Charity.

What My Garden Means to Me

Today in my garden as it rains I feel the joy that gardening brings me. I looked at the daphne shrub and for a moment I forgot about how was I going to manage to pay my bills.

I live in social housing in Edinburgh, I am a 30 minute walk from the city centre but I am lucky to live in quite a green area and less than 10 minute walk to the sea.

I was on the waiting list for a flat, living in temporary accommodation from October 2014 until February 2019 as I had been made homeless twice, once in 2010 and again in 2014.
I am now the proud occupier of a ground floor flat with my cat, Klaus Nomi Malone, and a garden. At long last it really feels like I have a home.
Most social housing on ground floors are typically for people who have physical disabilities, but my flat couldn’t be adapted so when it came up I was so pleased to be offered it.
As it came with a garden, which I didn’t think I would ever have, and as I have had houseplants for many years (I got my first house plant at 6, a venus fly trap), I was very excited!

I have always enjoyed looking after my own house plants as well as guerrilla gardening in my friend’s garden.
However my plants had to be fostered out to friends while I was homeless. I have an ancient yucca, a cheese plant and many more in my sitting room.
Once inside was sorted I looked forwards to turning my attention to outdoors and my garden.

For those of you who don’t know, Scotland has very late Springs and very short Summers!!
My garden is also not easy because of its proximity to the coast and the lack of trees and shrubs nearby the wind whistles through the garden.
I used to love spending time in other peoples garden helping them plant up their gardens, but was a bit daunted by mine because it was so overgrown.
However a dear friend of mine Georgina came to visit last August and she bought a spade, saw and secateurs and then set about it hacking away the overgrown flower bed.
Which uncovered an uneven path (which has now been lifted and will shortly be relaid).
Georgina’s nieces, Adelheid and Frederika and her nephew Caspar came and helped clear with us. Then Georgina started a second bed before returning home and left me to continue what she had started.
Then Georgina’s sister, Germaine and her husband Mark visited and bought me split cane fencing to make a windbreak. To make the garden more sheltered from the fierce winds blowing off the Firth Of Forth.

Around the corner from my flat is a demolished building that had bricks all over the site so I spent time bringing the bricks home for the path and I had enough leftover to make a little retaining edge for the third bed because it was on a slope.
In October I planted my first plant, a thyme, a gift from Georgina, the thyme is not necessarily for cooking, but because I just love the smell of it. I love rubbing the leaves and smelling that unmistakeable scent.
Then I made a layered trench of bulbs, alliums, lilies and tulips at the bottom, above it grape hyacinths, snowdrops and my favourite bulb white hyacinths. I had to cover the soil with bark to stop the local cats using it as a toilet.
Then I planted some heathers before winter really kicked in.

That was it until after Christmas, when Germaine and Mark gave me some old Edinburgh slates from their renovated roof. I used them as edging, but because of the lack of foliage it made my garden look like I had created a pet graveyard! A roofer friend of mine, put slates on my shed roof, it’s only a tiny sentry shed, but it’s for my tools and I have some beautiful Indian brass padlocks on it too.
Arguably one of the most handsome sheds in Edinburgh!

I shared my gardening updates and got positive responses from my friends and followers. Some very generous people who follow me have even sent me wildflower and poppy seeds, Casablanca lily bulbs and even a Scrumdiddlyumptious Peony. Some of my neighbours living along my street stopped to chat as I worked in my garden and I found I was inspiring them to start planting.

I am ADHD, Autistic and live with depression and anxiety. At various times in my life I have become so overwhelmed and have been unable to leave the house…in some cases leaving my bed was difficult.
My garden has helped to change my life for the better. Even on bad days I look out the window and I get pleasure from what I see. Today I had a long lunch, but was back out at 2pm, I moved a Camellia which was getting whipped by the wind where I had planted it originally, continued with the raised bed building and then suddenly it was 6pm. The time just flies by in my wee garden.

I found out about the Gardening with Disabilities Trust Charity and applied for a grant. I was overjoyed to be successful and bought my small shed, tools, enriching compost, manure and of course plants, I was so pleased, it was a dream come true. I was able to buy plants such as hydrangeas, daphnes, clematis, honeysuckle, lavender, and of course one of my favourites, more thyme, this time I bought three, a lemon one, a variegated one and a creeping one.
Gardening really helps me to lose myself in the moment. Just today I was building a raised flower bed with no cement (we aren’t allowed to make permanent structures as a council tenant) using more of the reclaimed bricks. At 8 am this morning I looked out of my spare bedroom window then dashed out to get started and the next thing I knew it was 11.30am…and I hadn’t had my breakfast yet!


My garden is so rewarding especially when people comment and it makes me smile, whether they are walking past or whether it’s from someone on social media. It drives me on to make it as beautiful as I can.

I enjoy sitting in my garden now its progressing, some friends came over the other day and we sat in my garden and ate breakfast in the morning sunshine. I would say it was lovely, but lovely doesn’t begin to describe how I felt.
When I’m in my garden I feel a connection to my grandma. I spent a lot of time gardening with her when I was little. I have planted hebes and potentillia shrubs as I distinctly remember those being in her garden. Always covered with fat buzzing bumble bees.
There is nothing I like more than feeling my hands in the soil and I never tire of this in times of trouble. When I’m having a bad day I pop outside and see a new leaf emerging, pull up a weed or two or smell the scent of a flower which makes me feel like I’m caught up in the moment. There’s no past and no future. I’m just in the now.

I have found that people are so encouraging, this is my first ever garden and I love the fact I can watch the viola flowers, smell the daphne flowers and touch my thyme. I love watching the bees in my garden, it’s sad to know their numbers are declining. It always makes me smile when I see bees, hoverflies and butterflies fluttering around flowers I planted.

While I have been in my garden I have watched the yew tree across the road and the comings and goings of a pair of goldfinches who have nested in it and now I have seen the fledglings emerge, Something I would have missed before hiding indoors.

Recently I have been inspired to speak to local councillors and housing officers about the back green in the middle of the housing area, it has been used for fly tipping. Now we are at the early stages of planning a community garden. I showed them the area in the back green which I have sown the wildflower seeds and shown them what can be achieved. From my garden I have been talking to passing neighbours about having a community garden and before I had my garden I would never have been brave enough to encourage people to band together and now I am.

Not only has my garden bought me great joy making a wee haven for bees and butterflies but has empowered me to talk to neighbours and get a sense of community with my neighbours.

to hear about further progress in my garden please follow me on Instagram @that_jrf


This Week’s Guest Blogger is Natalie Buttenshaw who has produced a Beautiful Garden Paradise, in Montrose in the foothills of the Dandenong Ranges in Australia


The lifecycle of all plants begins as seed and ends as seed.

Seeds are the lifeforce of the garden, they are where all plants begin, and, if left in the ground long enough, they are where all plants finish.

Growing flowers & vegetables from seed is one of the simplest pleasures of the garden and an incredibly economical way to begin your gardening journey. By planting heirloom seeds, you are participating in an important link between the past generations who have saved these seeds for years & the future of food diversity.

One of the most important things after you get your hands on some seeds is how you store the seeds you are not planting immediately as this will affect your seed germination rates.

In general, seed viability decreases steadily over time, so the expiration dates printed on the backs of seed packets are not finite, it is not like you will have a packet of viable seed one day & no viable seed the next. The degradation of seed takes time, and is impacted by multiple factors. Seeds stored in hot, humid & bright locations will degraded much faster than those stored in cool dark locations.

Most seed types will be viable for at least twelve months from harvest if stored in a cool dark location, something like a wardrobe cupboard or desk drawer is far preferable to a hot tin shed, glasshouse or your kitchen bench.

All seeds have a finite lifespan, however, some seed varieties will remain viable much longer than others. Onions, Chives, Okra, Fennel and Parsnip are some of the seeds with the shortest lifespan lasting around 1 year. Other seeds such as Celery, Eggplant, Lettuce, Tomatoes & Melons will usually have a lifespan up to 5 years if kept in ideal conditions, and in the middle you have seeds such as Brassicas, Carrots, Beets, chard Basil etc which will last around 3 years.

If you do end up with more onion seeds than you can fit in your patch, you can share your excess seed with other gardeners, or you can increase the seed lifespan by keeping the seeds in sealed glass jars in the fridge. Adding rice or silica to the container to absorb excess moisture can also be beneficial. When you go to use your seed again take the entire container out of the fridge & let it come up to room temperature before opening the container to avoid condensation.

Storing your excess seeds in ideal conditions is incredibly important for near-perfect germination rates and producing good strong, healthy seedings.

Nat is on Instagram as @buttenshawbackyardfarm